Easy Way To Set Your Children Up To Succeed!

At Little Hands Learning, we firmly believe in the power and potential of every child. Our mission is clear: we want children to succeed, not just academically, but in all aspects of their lives.

So what can we as parents and carers do to help our children succeed? The answer is surprisingly simple and you will already be doing a lot of it!

  1. Read To Them

    It is never too early to start reading with your child. From the moment they are born, introducing books and stories to their world can have a profound impact on your child’s development. Sharing stories together creates a special bond and helps foster a love for learning.

    Reading at an early age stimulates their imagination, builds their vocabulary, and enhances their cognitive skills. Whether it's a colourful board book or a classic tale, the act of reading with your child opens up a world of possibilities and sets them on a path towards a lifelong love of books.

    So why wait? Start reading with your little one today, and watch as their curiosity and joy for learning grows with each page turned.

  2. Get Talking

    Talking is not only a brilliant way to extend your child's vocabulary, but it also promotes their overall language development.

    Engaging in conversations with your little one allows them to hear and practice a wide range of words, phrases, and sentence structures. This helps them build a strong foundation for effective communication as they grow older.

    Moreover, talking with your child provides the perfect opportunity for meaningful interactions where they can ask questions, express their thoughts and ideas, and develop their storytelling skills. So, whether you're having everyday conversations at home or exploring new places together, remember that every word spoken is an invaluable contribution to your child's linguistic growth.

  3. Don’t Underestimate the Importance of Play

    Play is undeniably one of the most effective and enjoyable methods through which children can acquire knowledge and develop essential skills. Whether it's pretending to be astronauts exploring outer space or building intricate structures with colourful blocks, play provides a dynamic and interactive platform for learning.

    It fosters creativity, imagination, problem-solving abilities, and social skills, all while engaging children in a fun and stimulating environment. By encouraging play in various forms, such as imaginative play, cooperative play, or sensory play, parents can facilitate the holistic development of the child's cognitive, emotional, and physical capacities.

  4. Lead by example…

    but we don’t mean getting everything right or being perfect. In fact the opposite; make mistakes!

    It's important to show your children that you, as a parent, are not perfect and make mistakes too. By demonstrating this, you are not only teaching them that it is normal to make mistakes but also showing them that it is crucial to learn and grow from them.

    This valuable lesson will help instill resilience and the ability to embrace challenges in their own lives. Remember, it is through our mistakes that we are able learn and grow!

Isabell Fisher