Mobile of Love

This is a wonderful activity to try at home with children to help them think about all those people in their life that love them and they also love. It makes a beautiful mobile to hang up to remind them that they are loved no matter what.

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Set Up

For this activity I used the bamboo hoop, crepe paper, glue, card, sting and cotton thread from our November Love activity box. I also added some crayons and colouring pencils for the girls to use to decorate their cards.

This activity was one that we did together over several days. The are a few steps involved so thought it was better to space it out rather than trying to get it all done at once!

The first step was to wrap the crepe paper around the bamboo hoop. We dipped one end into the glue and then stuck the crepe paper onto the hoop.

Then we wrapped it around a few times before adding another small amount of glue to keep the crepe paper in place. We tried to leave the same amount of crepe paper hanging down from each colour to create our umbrella effect.

Kids Educational Subscription Boxes
Kids Monthly Activity Boxes

Next we discussed and then drew all the people that we loved and cared about onto the pieces of card. As the girls came up with so many people we drew on both sides of the cards.

Then we threaded the string through the cards and tied them on.

Next we tied the other end of the string onto the bamboo hoop. M was very keen to tie her own string on. And with a little practice she cracked it which was such a great skill to learn along the way!

The final step was using the black cotton to hang the mobile up. Cutting the cotton into four equal pieces first and then tying each piece onto a different quarter of the hoop. Finally tying all four piece of the cotton together. The girls were so proud of their creations and were desperate to find somewhere to hang them up!

This was the perfect activity to remind the girls of all the people that they love even though we may not see them at the moment.