Colour Mixing

This colour mixing activity was a wonderful way for my son to experiment what happens when we mix different colours. It also worked on strengthening his fingers and encouraging thinking skills.

Children eco-friendly activity box

set up

For this simple colour mixing activity I used the pipette from our January Snowy Day box, some ice and some food colouring. Instead of food colouring you could use paint mixed with some water.

Then it was over to my son and to see where he wanted to take the activity.

He was really intrigued as the colours mixed and kept asking “what do you think will happen if we add blue?”

Children's Subscription Boxes
children's activity box

The questions my son asked astounded me as he wanted to add white, more water, more green to see what would happen. He asked me what I thought would happen and if he disagreed he would tell me what he thought.

Such a simple activity and the learning was so powerful.