Island Hopping

My little one loves to climb and he seems to have a boundless amount of energy, A lot of my time is spent trying to wear him out. This activity is great for achieving that goal. It is so easy to set up and tidy up afterwards. All you need are some pillows and a space to scatter the cushions out on.


Set Up

So simple. Scatter the pillows on the floor depending on how big your little ones stride is or how challenging you want to make it. Done.

If you were feeling creative you could add blue material for the sea and add some fishes and other sea creatures onto the sea.

When we did this activity the first time I showed my little one what to do and held his hand for the first few rounds.

As you can see from the photo my son loved this activity. He found it hilarious when he fell off an island (cushion) and he got right back up and started again.


My son then started rearranging the islands (pillows) to create his own own Island hop. I did have a cheeky cup of tea during this activity. However I had to step in when he created this…..

Yup you guessed it. He attempted to jump off the green mats and onto the tower of pillows!

Apart from his little experiment the activity was a great success and one that I will often pull out when I need some sitting down time. Added bonus is that it is super quick to tidy up afterwards.
