Moon Walk

This activity was inspired from my days as a special needs teacher when we use to pretend to go up into Space and walk on the moon. It is difficult to recreate zero gravity in the classroom / at home so I thought this was a great alternative. I am so glad I got to do this activity with my son. It was really easy to set up and then tidy up afterwards. My son and I both had so much fun running, walking, crawling, rolling, jumping on the bubble wrap.

This activity would be great for young babies who are starting to roll, crawl, walk, as well as bigger children. I honestly don’t think I know anyone who doesn’t enjoy popping bubble wrap.


The bubble wrap was reused from a parcel we had received and I had kept for an activity. The strips were quite narrow, hence why I put two pieces together but it worked well. I taped it down so that it wouldn’t slip and make it a little safer for us to jump and run on. I added the mat (from Ikea) because my son is currently going through a jumping off and climbing stage and I thought he would enjoy that extra element to the activity.

As soon as my son saw the activity out, he was immediately intrigued. The look of surprise when the bubble wrap started popping was priceless. Then it was just about us together having fun and me following his lead.


We were racing each other by shouting ready, steady, go. We jumped up and down on the bubble wrap together. We rolled it and crawled across it. It was great and it would be so much fun you had friends round too.

If you have a baby that is starting to roll, crawl or walk this activity would be a great incentive for baby to move.

I can’t wait for his cousins to come round so we can do this altogether.