My Healthy Mind

Here are our top tips for completing the fun, educational activities from our My Healthy Mind box. These activities are designed to support good mental health and wellbeing in children. These activities will help children discuss and understand their feeling and emotions.

Head to our shop to get everything you need for these activities and a signed copy of the book!

Children drawing and writing their own affirmation cards

Affirmation Cards

  • Reading through the affirmation cards should be something you do with your child regularly do that it becomes embedded with how they see themselves. As they become more familiar they will be able to read them to themselves.

  • Designing our own affirmation cards was something we did over the course of a couple of weeks. As we thought of new ones we would add them in.

A child holds a jar with green folded paper inside on the label in says My Jar of Kindness

Acts of Kindness Jar

  • To start off with we found it difficult to think of acts of kindness but then once we got going we thought of lots. Visit our Instagram page to get some ideas.

  • Again it was important for us to discuss that there would be some acts of kindness that they wouldn’t be able to complete that day or week but would need to wait for the opportunity to arise.

child creating an emotion moblie to help them explain how they are feeling

Feelings Mobile

  • My children had very distinct ideas of which colours they wanted for which balloon.

  • We added a balloon that had lots of different coloured tissue paper as we realised that sometimes our feelings would be mixed up and we might be feeling happy but also nervous.

A picture of a rainbow in bright colours that has gotten wet in the rain and the colours have mixed with each other.

Rainy Pictures

  • Use your felt tips to create an abstract design, try and cover as much of the paper as possible.

  • Leave the picture out in the rain. Keep checking it and once the colours have all mixed it is done.

  • This works best with thicker paper or card so that it doesn’t get too soggy in the rain!

Playdough Hairdressers

  • Using the expressions playdough mat and the purple playdough create some long hair on a person. Roll out the playdough into long ropes and put on the mat.

  • Using scissors your child can then give their person a hair cut.

  • This is a great way to practice scissor skills!