Nature Explorers

Here are our top tips for completing the activities inspired by the wordless children’s picture book Hike by Pete Oswald. Plus we have included two extra activities inspired by the book and using the resources we have sent.

Baking bread

  • Our biggest tip is just to have fun with this. The bread animals do certainly not need to look like the photos above.

Wild strawberry seeds

  • Remember to keep the seeds warm and the soil moist whilst you are waiting for them to germinate.

  • If you don't have a propagator lid. A clear plastic lid or an upturned glass jar works just as well.


  • Whilst the photo is developing make sure the entire piece of paper is in the full sun.

  • It works best on a sunny day, if the sun isn’t particularly strong leave it in the sun for longer up to 15 minutes.

  • If your first photo doesn’t work as well as your expected, we have sent a second piece of nature print paper to try again.

Scavenger hunt

  • We spent a long time in our garden spotting the animals in the book and talking about the facts.

  • It’s also worth mentioning that you may not see all the animals on the first trip out with them. My son was a little disappointed when we didn’t spot a deer.

  • I have put the cards in my coat pocket so whenever we are out and spot an animal we can find the cards.