Herbal Tea Party

This is a safe, fun and easy toddler activity that could be easily adapted for babies too. As we had been reading ‘The Tiger who came to Tea’ I wanted to do another activity linked to this. In the cupboards I have a variety of herbal teas, some older than others, and this was a great way to use them up!

Sensory Tea Party for Toddlers

Set Up

For this sensory activity I had various herbal teas that I wanted to use up. The raspberry tea I was keen to use, as I thought the red colour would make a good contrast to the other teas. I also used chamomile, which we often put in their bath and mint tea. The different smells would be great for their sense. Whatever cups, jugs, teapots, pots you have will work. I used this teapot and also this tea set. The tea set was actually a gift for M and I highly recommend it as it is made from recycled plastic and is BPA free! Then let their imaginations do the rest.

They both got straight to work; pouring tea, tasting the tea, mixing and dunking cups into the teapot too! As we did this outside it really didn’t matter what they spilt but if doing this inside I would have had to put a towel down, as a lot did end up on the floor. They both took a shine to the red raspberry tea and I had to fetch more water to top it up. They played really well together and M was happy to pour tea from the largest tea pot for F.

Sensory herbal water tea Water Play
Toddler Water Activity

As they continued to play, M noticed that the colours of the tea were mixing on the white tray I had put out. So she played with pouring and mixing the tea on the tray. They both also enjoyed squeezing the water out of the teabags and plopping them back in to do it all over again. They were so engaged and busy with this activity that I had a quick tidy up of all the other toys in the garden. Another simple and fun activity that M has requested we do again.

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