Loose Parts Play - Playdough, Cars, Trucks and Freight

This playdough loose parts play activity is ideal if you have siblings or cousins of varying ages. I set this activity up when my nieces were staying with us as I knew all three children would each get something out of this activity.

It was quick to set up and tidy away and all three children happily played with it long enough for me to sit with them and drink a cup of tea. My son was so eager to play, his hand was reaching for the cars before I had a chance to take a photo.


Set Up

For this activity I used the grey, orange scented playdough, wood slices and the wooden blocks from the March Activity box. I added the vehicles from our toy box.

As with all loose parts play it was up to our children to decide what they wanted to do with the resources. Read more about loose parts play in our blog.


All three had a similar idea of creating a road. My eldest niece put herself in charge of creating the road. She used the wooden blocks and wood slices to create the road markings and somehow together they even made speed bumps for their trucks to go over.


Together the three of them created a most wonderful imaginative play set up using the loose parts. The play then developed into the them being fireman and running around the living room putting out fires. It was wonderful to watch them use their imaginations together.