Vegetable Sensory Play

Getting toddlers to try new foods especially vegetables is often difficult. My youngest, F. prefers to eat a glue stick than the vegetables that I have cooked. So this was a fun way of encouraging them (without me actually telling them too) to try vegetables.

Vegetable sensory play for toddler

It was quick to set up and was a simple case of seeing what vegetables I had in the fridge and arranging in some sort of appealing and interesting way. We had linked this with our Jack and the Beanstalk activities as they were supposed to be tempting the giant (aka the doll) to eat something other than children.

The girls were definitely both intrigued with the activity when they saw it and both were keen to sit down and start loading up their plates. Both were tasting and trying different vegetables that at mealtimes they would have turned their noses up and then point blank refused to try. They both also tried to feed the ‘giant’ all the while, making pretend eating noises. However, according to M. the giant was not a fan of any of the vegetables.


The small people then started to create towers of the vegetables, make pictures, swapping vegetables with each other and even I got fed! Since the activity whenever we cut up peppers for lunch, F. is always keen to chew on one which has taken me completely by surprise!

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