Worry Box

This is a great activity to support children in dealing with any worries that they may have. Often getting children to share their worries is a challenge and this activity helps to teach us that it is important to share worries and also allows you the opportunity to discuss and deal with any worries together.


Set Up

For this activity I used the box and dinosaur crayon from our September Worries Activity box. I also added a few more crayons and some pieces of paper to write our worries on.

First we read the story The Worrysaurus together, focussing on the worries the dinosaur had. We talked about how the Worrysaurus describes his worries as a butterfly in his tummy. I then talked about what it feels like when I am worried. I then explained that we were each going to create our own worry box, where we could post all our worries inside so that we could then share them. They started by decorating the box. Whilst they were busy decorating I started to talk to them about times when they worry. This was definitely helpful as it felt less pressured for them to give me an answer as they were focused on their colouring.


Once they were finished decorating we folded the box together to create our own post box. I then started the process of writing down and posting our worries. I shared one of my worries and wrote it down on a piece of paper. Then we posted it in. I then asked them what they were worrying about. For F she replied simply “Mummy” but through a little prompting we worked out that she was worried when Mummy wasn’t here.

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