
Inspired by the book “Sunflower Seeds and Muddy Boots” this is a wonderful sensory small world activity to encourage your toddlers and children creativity, speech and language and thinking skills.


Set Up

I simply put the moon dough, beans, birds and flowers from our Into the Garden activity box out alongside a dish. This was all the invitation to play my two children needed to start building their own gardens.

My toddler and child quickly poured the moon dough into their dishes and pushed their bean seeds into the soil before adding the flowers and birds. As we did the activity outside they independently added natural bits from the garden as well - grass, twigs, petals were all added to their gardens.


Whilst my two children were building their gardens we had some wonderful conversations prompted by the book “Sunflower Shoots and Muddy Boots” about their gardens. We discussed what their beans needed to grow into plants, what bugs would be living in their garden; what their perfect garden would look like.

Since doing this activity the first time, we have repeated it a number of times and each time their gardens look different and they haven’t got bored of it.