Simple Christmas Cards

This is such an easy Christmas card craft idea that creates virtually no mess and requires little set up. These Christmas cards look great and can also be used to teach your children some sneaky maths along the way too!

Easy Christmas Crafts for Kids

Set Up:

So for this activity I used a few of the paper strips from our December activity box. I had purposely saved a few from when we made paper chains specifically to make these cards. I also used some white card which I folded into cards. Coloured card leftover would also work. I snipped the paper strips into different lengths added our glue pot and stick and it was ready to go!

My two absolutely love making cards so this was right up their street. I just had to slow them down slightly to explain the “maths” aspect of the activity. For F I started by giving her 3 strips of paper to order from shortest to longest which she managed to do with ease. With M I gave a range of paper strips for her to decide her own pyramid of shortest to longest.

Simple Christmas Card Idea for Toddlers
Easy Christmas Card Activity Idea for Kids

Before long they were done and keen to make more. So then M was directed to snip more paper strips but this time I gave her a ruler and asked her to snip to specific lengths. 1cm for the top of the Christmas tree, 3 cm for the next layer ect. They both loved it and once we ran out of strips they then started writing their Christmas cards. Which was a brilliant purposeful writing tasks for both of them and F relishing the opportunity for some meaningful mark making!

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