Growing Radishes

Growing radishes is a perfect introduction for children and toddlers into growing their own vegetables. They are easy to grow in the garden or indoors and grow relatively quickly so are perfect for impatient hands.


Set Up

Everything my toddler and I needed for this simple gardening activity is included in our August Garden activity box; radish seeds and a compost pellet. I just needed to add some water.

The first thing we needed to do was to place the compost pellet into a dish and pour over some water. Then we watched and waited for the compost pellet to grow. My son found this fascinating.


Once the compost pellet had stopped growing it was time to plant. Using his fingers my son made three holes in the compost pellet. A pencil could be used to make the holes if your child is reluctant to touch the soil.

My son then dropped one seed into each hole and covered each seed with the soil. We placed the compost pellet in a sunny spot in the kitchen and now we wait for the radishes to grow….