Slither Slowly Like a Snail

I am a huge fan of toddlers and children creating their own pieces of art. For me the process and the conversations that art can spark is much more important that the end result. By simply creating a frame for your toddler or child they can create their own impressive snails.


Set Up

For this sensory art activity I used the red coloured rice, the wooden beads and the black beans from our Minibeast activity box. The night before I cut a long strip of cardboard from the box we send our activities boxes in and wound it tightly together and secured it with a rubber band.

The day of the activity I unraveled the cardboard snail shape and secured it on a tray with blue tack so that it stayed it place.

This activity would also work really well with rainbow coloured sensory rice.

We reread the snail page from the book ‘Mad About Minibeasts’ and discussed the shape of the snail’s shell and the different colours we could see. Then it was time to build and pour the sensory rice to create the snail’s shell.

My son loved scooping and pouring the sensory rice using both the scoops and his hands to pour the red rice into the snails’s shell.

And here is our finished sensory snail.

You could do this activity with other minibeasts. For example you could cut toilet rolls into quarters and slightly squash them to create four ovals and you would have the wings of a butterfly.


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