Bath Time at the Farm

Unsurprisingly my toddler loves all things farm related. He loves the animals and the vehicles. He also loves water and bubbles. Combining all of these loves into one activity was a huge hit. Really quick to set up by using bits we had around the house. Our tip is if you are doing this activity indoors, put towels down to soak up excess water.


Set Up

So my son now knows when he sees towels and the clear plastic tub on the floor it’s time for a waterplay activity. The tub is a spare under the bed storage box we had and works really well for water play. I always put towels down on the floor because my son can become exuberant during water play and it helps with the quick clear up afterwards. I always leave pouring the water into the tub until we start the activity, as my son loves to listen and watch the water be poured from a height.

The animals are from Sainsburys and the digger and cars were all presents or hand-me-downs. I used one of his flannels and bath soap to create the bubbles. I also added plastic cups and jugs to give him other things to do with the water.

He carefully washed each animal in turn. I had my own flannel so I could join in but my son was happier with me observing. So I commentated on what he was doing. This helps my son to build his vocabulary and supports him in starting to build his own sentences.


Once all the animals had been washed, my son moved onto the farm vehicles; taking particular care of the digger. However it wasn’t long until he got in the water for a wash as well…..